The Community Relations Office (CRO) participated in a community resource fair at CU Days, which was held at Douglass Park on Saturday, August 12. Dozens of families visiting the City resource booth received school supplies, information from several City departments, and a variety of City-branded giveaway items including cloth bags, t-shirts, seed packets, tubes of chapstick, and pencils. The CU Fresh Start research team also completed 103 community surveys during the CU Days event.
Also at the booth, the Planning and Development Department kicked off the public outreach campaign for the future Downtown Plaza. Tina Ansong and Lacey Rains Lowe shared information about the project and gathered ideas for the space from participants of all ages. Suggestions included a space to host live music and other live performances, outdoor games and amenities for young people of all ages, shady places to sit and relax and much, much more! The project team is working on a website and community survey which should launch late this month and has started scheduling the first round of stakeholder discussions.
The Community Relations Office thanks all staff who participated in the day and all departments providing giveaway items and booth materials.