(Tree Removals and Glenn Park Drive Closures)
Stark Excavating will begin work on Phase 2 of the West Washington Street Drainage Improvements on Monday, April 3. The project involves the construction of a new detention basin located just north of Glenn Park between Mattis Avenue and Miller Avenue. The project includes a variety of park-like amenities such as a gazebo, waterfall, overlook area, walk paths, native plantings, new ornamental and shade trees throughout the improvement area.
To facilitate construction of the detention basin, some of the trees located in the area have been designated for removal. The tree removal plan was carefully developed to preserve as many mature trees as possible within the project limits and adjacent to Glenn Park. Many of the trees designated for removal are in declining health and would need to be removed within a few years regardless of the project. New trees have been incorporated into the project landscaping plans to compensate for the designated tree removals.
The project also includes the permanent closure of westbound Glenn Park Drive between Mattis Avenue and Miller Avenue. This closure will begin on Monday, April 3 in conjunction with the start of the project. Westbound Glenn Park Drive is located at the site of the new detention basin, which necessitates the permanent closure of this leg of Glenn Park Drive. Vehicles planning to travel westbound on Glenn Park Drive must detour south on Miller Avenue to Church Street then westbound on Church Street back to Mattis Avenue.
Eastbound Glenn Park Drive will also be closed at Mattis Avenue beginning Monday, April 3. Eastbound Glenn Park Drive between Mattis Avenue and Miller Avenue will remain open to local traffic in the eastbound and westbound direction during the project. Local traffic will be able to enter eastbound Glenn Park Drive from Victor Street or Miller Avenue.
The City appreciates the cooperation of travelers in the area and encourages caution when travelling through this work zone.