On December 5, the Legal Department participated in the Daily Bread Soup Kitchen’s annual backpack giveaway. This is the 8th year that Daily Bread has given away backpacks to the men and women they serve. For many, these backpacks will be their only Christmas present.
The Legal Department stuffed four backpacks with toiletries such as deodorant, hand lotion for hands chapped by the cold, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, and shaving cream, plus cold weather items such as gloves, hats, scarves, socks, sweatshirts, t-shirts and long underwear. Other items contributed included cough drops, decks of cards, small fleece blankets, candy, gum and food items.
Backpacks will be given away by Daily Bread on Friday, December 16 at New Covenant Fellowship from 10-12. With a forecast of a cold winter and with the lack of shelter spaces in our community, these backpacks will be especially welcome this year. Last year, Daily Bread gave away more than 800 backpacks filled with a variety of basic items.
The mission of the Daily Bread Soup Kitchen is to feed the hungry of our community regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity. They provide a safe, respectful, and inviting environment in an atmosphere of hope and dignity.