CU Fresh Start Targets Guns, Hosts First Call-in

On Thursday, October 6, the Community Coalition held its first call-in of the CU Fresh Start initiative. fresh-start-logoCU Fresh Start is a new approach designed to focus on offenders with a history of violent, gun-related behaviors. Through this approach, individuals will be “called in” to a meeting with community members where they are given a warning and an opportunity to stop shooting. If they choose to stop shooting, offenders will receive help to access community services and resources. If they continue to engage in gun violence, they will face swift and certain consequences.

A call-in is a face-to-face meeting of law enforcement representatives, community members, social service providers, and targeted offenders. Its primary purpose is to deliver a clear message against violence, and to provide a genuine offer of help for those who wish to change their lives. The meeting also serves as a chance for these individuals to learn about police efforts and community resources available. It also provides information which can be conveyed to the members of their peer group.  Call-ins are closed to the public in order to protect the privacy of those involved.

CU Fresh Start is a priority initiative of the Champaign Community Coalition. Learn more about the Coalition and how to get involved at