On October 1,Kim Burnett, Environmental Inspector received a referral from Andrew Lamoreux, Forestry Supervisor regarding dead honey locusts trees at two locations on private property which posed hazards to pedestrians and vehicle traffic. Burnett investigated both locations and issued a Notice to Abate on October 2 to both property owners to abate the hazardous conditions caused by the dead trees. On October 12, Burnett revisited one location and observed a tree service on-site removing tree. The tree service staff explained that their staff would first remove the limbs and then return to remove the trunk. Burnett followed up on October 14 and found the dangerous tree had been removed. Burnett continues to monitor the second location and is in contact with the owner, who has contracted with an arborist to take down one of the trees the week of October 26, but has questions in regards to the second tree. Burnett has requested Forestry staff to follow-up with the owner in order to answer his questions.