2015 Illinois Workers’ Compensation Forum

The 2015 Illinois Workers’ Compensation Forum was held on May 4 and 5 at the Loyola University Quinlan School of Business in Chicago.

The City’s Risk Manager, Larry Krause, was the Chairman of the Forum for this year. As Chair, he was responsible to provide opening comments to kick off both days of the Forum and make introductions for all of the speakers.

Additionally, he participated in a panel discussion regarding the similarities and differences in workers’ compensation self insurance programs for public entities and private sector employers. Other panelists were Diana Alvarez, Senior Occupational Health Manager for Hyatt Hotels; Keith Herman, shareholder at the law firm Nyhan, Bambrick, Kinzie and Lowry and the Executive Secretary of the Illinois Self Insurers Association; and Kirsten Lorenz, Workers’ Compensation Manager for Cook County.

Approximately seventy people attended the forum.