Neighborhood Code Compliance made a presentation on running bamboo to the Champaign City Council during a study session on Tuesday, September 9, 2014. The study session was in response to recent complaints of running bamboo becoming invasive and not contained to an owner’s property. Code Compliance Manager David Oliver presented facts on running bamboo to demonstrate the species ability to travel fairly quickly through it’s underground rhizome system. These rhizomes, when not contained, will cause new bamboo shoots to emerge on neighboring properties. The recommendation to City Council was to add running bamboo to the list of prohibited species in Chapter 35 of the Municipal Code. After hearing from citizens speaking for and against the ban, City Council provided direction to staff to draft an ordinance banning any further planting of running bamboo in the community but allowing properties with existing bamboo to remain with some restrictions placed for the property owner to contain the bamboo to their property and control any rhizome migration. Neighborhood Code Compliance is working with the City Legal Department to prepare a draft ordinance for future Council consideration.