C-U Bike to Work Day, one of several local events celebrating National Bike Month, has been set for May 15th, 2014. The City of Champaign was well represented at last year’s Bike to Work Day: 21 employees checked in at the downtown station, while 19 checked in at the Public Works station. The downtown station was one of the most well-attended throughout the C-U area, with over 90 bicyclists stopping by the City Building to have a snack and pick up a t-shirt.
Other upcoming bicycle events include:
- Illinois Bike Summit (April 15th at I Hotel in Champaign)
- Bike to Market Saturdays (encouraging shoppers at Urbana’s Market at the Square to bike every Saturday in May)
- Bike to School Day and Bikes on Campus Day (May 7th at Champaign schools and the University of Illinois)
- “Playing at Safe” Bike Rodeo(June 7th, location TBD)