Council Members adopted a resolution outlining the most recently updated Vision and Goals at the regular Council meeting on January 7, 2014.
The City Council sets the vision for the City and adopts goals to reflect that vision and guide decision-making at all levels of City government. The goal setting process builds Council consensus on policies and projects that impact City residents, businesses, and the community as a whole. The Administration uses the City Council Vision and Goals to set priorities, direct work activities, and allocate staff and financial resources. The City Council goal setting process has been used since 1985 and has yielded the following benefits:
A better understanding by citizens and staff of the City Council’s plans for the future of the City
More priority projects have been completed successfully
Staff is more focused and effective in addressing City Council priorities
Staff is more accountable to the City Council for achieving adopted Vision and Goals
City Council and staff are less inclined to be side-tracked by less important activities or projects
Formally adopted City Council Vision and Goals provide official direction to staff to plan, organize, and allocate resources to complete adopted actions
Overall, Key Projects were largely updated, while Strategic Initiatives received a few minor adjustments. To see the complete list of the updated Vision and Goals, click here.