City of Champaign Public Works Department crews are working to respond to the wind damage inflicted by the storm that passed through the City last night. Crews reported at 7 am this morning and are focusing on clearing debris from traffic lanes and sidewalks, maintaining access for vehicles and pedestrians. To expedite these activities, staff will remove debris from City trees. Due to the severity of the storm and in an effort to assist residents with clean-up activities, on Wednesday, June 5, staff will begin picking up debris from trees on private property damaged during the storm. Residents are asked to place bagged material and limbs/brush separately as these items are disposed of at two different locations, to stack limbs and brush with the cut end parallel to the street, to place all items at the curb and to call Public Works (403-4700) to pick up the items. Staff will not enter private property to pick up debris. This pick up is intended for debris from the May 31 storm only. Public Works will issue a news release next week once a deadline for debris pick up has been established. Citizens are encouraged to call Public Works Operations at 403-4700 to report street or sidewalk obstructions.
Public Works staff will continue working as needed until cleanup is completed.