Complete Streets: The Devil is in the Details!

As the saying goes it is the details that sometimes matter most. In June the Planning and Engineering departments created a small staff team to clarify the City’s Complete Streets policy. In 2008 the City adopted a Complete Streets Policy which specifies streets should accommodate all users: pedestrians, bicyclists, transit and automobiles. Recent presentations at City Council on road improvements projects highlighted that the Complete Streets policy could provide more guidance. Several unanswered questions arose during recent projects. For example, the Staley Road project needed clarification on several questions. These questions included:

  • Should sidewalks be built?
  • Where should the sidewalks be built within the project limits?
  • When do the sidewalks get built?
  • Who pays for the sidewalk installation costs?
  • When is payment due for the sidewalk expense?
  • What is the system of payment for sidewalk expenses?
  • What are the justifications for these decisions?

Although the list above is mostly about sidewalks the team will work through other items as well. A more functional and detailed policy will address situations involving Annexation Agreements, farm land and land that is not anticipated to develop in the near future. The team’s goal is to create a unique policy that best fits our City and its needs.

If there are any questions or comments please contact Mishauno Woggon in the Planning Department at 403-8800 or by email [email protected]