Champaign Police Encourage Seat Belt Safety, May 15 -May 30

As summer kicks off and travel increases, the Champaign Police Department is partnering with the Illinois Department of Transportation to remind motorists to Click It or Ticket. The national seat-belt enforcement campaign will take place through May 30, concurrent with Memorial Day celebrations, one of the busiest travel and holiday weekends of the year. Click It or Ticket enforces seat-belt and car-seat use to keep all motorists safe.

“Our law enforcement personnel see firsthand the loss of life when people refuse to buckle up,” said Sergeant Geoff Coon.  “It’s such a simple thing, and it should be an automatic response when you get into a vehicle. As the Memorial Day weekend approaches and the summer vacation season ramps up, we want to make sure people are doing everything they can to stay safe in the unfortunate event of a crash.”

The most recent crash data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that 43 percent of passenger vehicle occupants killed in crashes in 2015 were unrestrained. That percentage increases to 57 percent when just looking at crashes that occur between 6 p.m. and 5:59 a.m. That’s why one focus of the Click It or Ticket campaign is nighttime enforcement. Participating law enforcement agencies will be taking a no-excuses approach, writing citations day and night. Motorists caught not buckled up will be ticketed, and those caught driving impaired will be arrested.

“Please help us spread this life-saving message before one more friend or family member is killed as a result of this senseless inaction,” said Sergeant Geoff Coon. “Seat belts save lives, and every vehicle occupant—front seat and back, child and adult—needs to remember to buckle up, every trip, every time.  Together, we can make zero fatalities a reality in Illinois.”

For more information on the Click It or Ticket mobilization, visit

Media Contact:  Sergeant Geoffrey Coon | [email protected] | 217.403.6934