Fire Recruitment Meeting Gets Warm Response

Approximately 25 community members attended the Probationary Firefighter Recruitment Information meeting held on Saturday, October 15 from 10 a.m. – Noon at Fire Station 1. This informational meeting was open to anyone interested in a career as a City of Champaign firefighter and desired more information about the entry-level process. Presenters for the event were: Deputy Chief Ferber; Stacy Rachel, HR Specialist; Jason Rector, firefighter; John Hoskins, academy probationary firefighter; Mike Brady, experienced firefighter; Gary Gula, Fire Captain; and Jason Dillingham, firefighter.

Attendees received an overview of the training process from the written test to Candidate Physical Abilities Test (CPAT), a day in the life of a probationary firefighter, career development and opportunities within the department, and continuous training opportunities. The information meeting concluded with a tour of Station 1. There is still time to apply; the deadline for applications and written exams is November 12. For more information go to:, or call 866.536.3882.