Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan – 2013 Update

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan - 2013 UpdateOn April 25 at the university and on May 29 at the Public Library, the City hosted public open houses to discuss the ADA Transition Plan – 2013 Update. The open houses provided the citizens of Champaign the opportunity to learn more about the requirements of Title II of the ADA (access to City programs and services), as well a chance to provide feedback regarding the draft transition plan. A copy of the draft transition plan can be found on the City’s updated ADA webpage:

Next, City staff will prepare for a study session with Council in July. After the study session, the draft transition plan will be revised as necessary based on the feedback from the open houses, as well as from Council. The plan will then be presented to Council for adoption. 

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan - 2013 UpdateFor more information contact Nichole Millage at [email protected] or 403-4731.